Our Deep Passion for Flags: How It All Started

In 2005, finding a U.S. Flag that was made in the United States became a challenge for me. I figured if it was hard for me to find, it was probably difficult for everyone living in my town to find.
After finding a high-quality American flag made in America, I contacted Annin & Company and became an immediate distributor for their products. Annin was a good fit for me because they also manufactured military flags that were made in the U.S.A. My family has a long history of veterans in it, therefore, I've always been a fan of the military. Thus, our motto: Honoring Those Who Serve.
Over the years customers have requested the garden flags and house flags as well as the other items that we carry. As you can see from our catalog, our inventory has grown.
We enjoy serving our customers with fine-quality products at affordable prices.
Stories of Hope and Bravery
The Flag Store wishes to thank all veterans and their families for their service to our country.
• Operation Touch of Home – www.operationtouchofhome.org
• United Veterans Organization of Monroe County
• Korean War Vets Assoc. of NEPA
• United States Submarine Veterans INC. – www.poconosubvets.org – The Flag Store is proud to provide a location for this organization’s community service for the purpose of proper disposal of the American Flag. //poconosubvets.org/flagboxes.html
• Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV) - www. hhv.org